Oxalate Mini Session + 90 Day Protocol

(2 customer reviews)


You will receive a standard consultation plus a session with specific attention towards getting you started or adjusting your low oxalate lifestyle. This will help you with plateau issues, hormonal issues, weight as well as mood. Some are confused as to where to start where others prefer the more modified approach and just don’t know where to begin. What are oxalates? Why are there different phases? How much protein is too much or is that even a thing? How much fat is enough? What if I have a gene mutation (polymorphism) that doesn’t allow me to utilize meat properly or what if I have MTHFR?

All this is what we will go over during this one hour session and consultations. (see other description for more in depth details)


Before processing your payment please be advised that there are NO refunds, once you have submitted your payment you are committed, this is the first step to taking control of your health. No exceptions!


This package is for those who want to try a low oxalate diet or perhaps eventually the carnivore diet but don’t know where to start because you are worried about the amount of oxalate foods you have been consuming. Perhaps are doing carnivore but are having issues with oxalate dumping. Maybe carnivore isn’t your goal but you know that your diet has been full of oxalate foods like smoothies loaded with spinach, so called “superfood” blueberries and almond milk…All insanely high in oxalates. We will discuss supplements to help you on your journey, low oxalate foods, troubleshooting, how to calculate and foods to eat versus foods to avoid and of course oxalate dumping.

You will get 30-45 minutes with me to get you on the right track, plus a PDF reference guide to walk you through each of the 30 day segments (90 days total) plus which supplements are needed. You will get alistof oxalate foods to avoid and how to calculate foods you are eating now. It’s easier to tweak an existing diet rather than re-inventing the whole wheel – I meet you where you are at.

There will be check-ins for the first 30 days (one at 2 weeks in and one at day 30) then we transition to the next phase. You will get another check in at day 45 to see how you are doing on the phase 2 portion of this protocol. Email check-ins as well as phone calls & ZOOM sessions. I won’t leave you stranded. Your last 30 days you are on your own until the end and then we do one last check in. That is where YOU decide where you want to go in your journey. Do you think you want to stick it out on a low oxalate diet or do you want to transition to carnivore (there is a carnivore protocol and session for that)

Why switch to a low oxalate diet? If you want to see your autoimmune conditions vanish it is a good place to start. Of course there are never any guarantees, everyone is different however the general consensus is that this diet is healing a vast amount of autoimmune conditions including Crohns, colitis, skin reactions, IBS and much more.

Before processing your payment please be advised that there are NO refunds, once you have submitted your payment you are committed, this is the first step to taking control of your health. No exceptions!

Clinic Hours: Tues-Fri 10:00 AM 4:00 PM, Please note we are closed evenings and weekends.

2 reviews for Oxalate Mini Session + 90 Day Protocol

  1. Laura.T

    Plant based no more! I am a believer.

    I wasn’t game to try this whole carnivore extreme so Holly suggested I look at simply lowering my oxalate load. It somehow was never on my radar, nor my doctor, not even my dietician was on board. Scheduled for gallbladder surgery but in constant pain and no date in sight I figured I was pretty desperate to try anything. So we ventured into low oxalate land. I slowly weened off to avoid dumping. Happy to report that I am now a low ox high protein lady. Oh and my scheduled surgery is cancelled cause my gallbladder issues have been resolved. Took Holly 16 months to achieve what doctors had not been able to in 7 years.

    To those listening to plant based documentaries, please don’t. I am pleading. You don’t realize till its too late.

  2. Christine

    am I ever glad I came across one of your Facebook posts. I’m also glad I took the time to purchase this. As someone who has been keto for two years now and eating lots of almond flour, now I know it was why my joints were so painful.I can’t believe I am just now realizing that my issue was all that almond crap

    Almond flour pizza crust
    Almond flour pancakes
    Almond milk
    Almonds for a snack

    My nutritionist denied it could possibly be. Needless to say I have fired her and will be sticking with Holly‘s advice moving forward. Next step to tackle my hormones!

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