Who is Holly Warner?
Holly Warner is a Functional and Restorative Medicine Practitioner with a strong foundation in Integrative & Herbal Medicine. She holds additional certifications in Medical Cannabinoid Therapy as well as hormone imbalances, bHRT (bio-identical hormone replacement therapy – she has completed rigorous physicians training, however, is not a physician), as well as certifications in thyroid/gut/adrenal health, autoimmune diseases, LDN therapy and provides education on clinical nutrition based on each patients own unique genetics.
Holly is also a clinical herbalist who understands not only the energetics of the plant remedies she recommends but also the contraindications that can be found (because herbs ARE medicine). She prefers to reach for a herbal remedy rather than a supplement.
Holly understands how lifestyle factors, stress and day-to-day tasks can alter your digestion, and with it your delicate thyroid/hormone balance, affecting performance in the workplace and home life. She is committed to meeting her patients where they are at in their health journey – not forcing them into unrealistic or unobtainable goals. Slow and steady wins the race!
As a clinician, Holly’s approach is rooted in science, backed by medicine and combined with a modern holistic perspective. She discusses practical ways to take care of your mind and body for both the short and the long term while optimizing your lifestyle (including nutrition and supplementation) for your own individual vitality. This isn’t meal plans and dietary theories – it’s a conversation about foods that may be triggers and how you can adapt to something much better.
Holly is also a dynamic and passionate speaker who is committed to cutting through the media hysteria and providing you with the most up-to-date health information. She is an award-winning clinician in both hormones/thyroid and nutrition based on autoimmune conditions.
Honoured for her extensive work in hormones, and autoimmune therapy while being recognized for her work as a patient advocate, Holly boasts success story after success story.
Curious what Holly’s top picks are? Click here to find out!
What is restorative medicine and how can it help?
Restorative Medicine focuses on the importance of a balanced endocrine system by recognizing how the different chemical messengers influence each other. Stabilizing the endocrine system as a whole, rather than treating a single individual hormone, helps to optimize health and promote longevity. The ultimate goal of Restorative Medicine is to reduce or eliminate the need for ongoing medical treatment, when possible, by truly restoring health at its core.
With a strong medical education, additional studies in endocrine system disorders, with an emphasis on therapeutic approaches for treating hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, adrenal dysfunction, and dysregulation, as well as male and female hormonal imbalances – Holly has made it her goal to master each corner of healthcare needed to optimize her patients’ outcome.
Meet the team!
Holly has built a team of experts from across the globe, from MDs, nurse practitioners, world-recognized geneticists, research scientists and cannabinoid experts as well as compounding pharmacists. You will never be without a treatment option, and you won’t be left hanging. We are here to be patient advocates – YOUR advocate. This means a lot more YES and a lot less no… because you deserve the answers you so desperately seek and the tests you know you should be getting so you can get the care you expect. Our medical system might have failed you, but you can be certain we won’t!
Can Holly prescribe?
Since this is a global practice and you simply cannot be licensed in every state or province, Holly has built a team of qualified and incredible MDs, nurse practitioners and PAs. This means that depending on where you are, and the services requested you may be required to see one of our licensed healthcare providers in addition to seeing Holly.
Holly will oversee every step however she won’t be the one writing your script. Does this mean Holly is not qualified? Heck no! Holly has received the same training, has a strong medical background and has branched out into areas that she enjoys while still being able to offer important services like bHRT, LDN therapy and thyroid. When you book your COURTESY CALL the process will be explained to you. We do this so you are aware of how it all works BEFORE spending your hard-earned money.
Diagnostic testing is ordered and assessed by Holly as they are American and California is her home base. There is no requirement for additional scripts and therefore you would be seeing only Holly in this case.
Is Holly a Doctor?
We get asked this from time to time. Did you know that you are not required to be a physician to prescribe bHRT/thyroid or LDN? Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants are also able to prescribe, order labs and assess/treat patients. So what is the difference? Not much besides a title and maybe some bragging rights.
While Holly is medically trained and holds multiple certifications, she is not a medical doctor nor is she practicing as one. Her specialties include hormone balancing utilizing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy however she is not the one prescribing. This goes for her thyroid package and LDN therapy as well. Holly will oversee the testing and intakes while scripts are issued by one of her licensed team members. The beauty of a team is that we work together. We all have the training needed to get you back on track.