VIP Hormone Optimization – Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

(20 customer reviews)


This package includes a session with our optimization prescribers (either advanced hormone certified NP or MD) as well as Holly.


Both our advanced nurse practitioner’s and our MD’s are fully trained in hormone replacement therapies at an advanced or optimization level, our optimization package give access to Advanced Hormone Experts such as our MD’s and Advanced NP’s. Unlike some of the prescriber based clinics out there, we ensure that our team has advanced hormone training to best serve our patients.

MD’s do not have any limitations in regards to script and have advanced optimization training for bioidentical hormone replacement. Your sessions will be longer, with additional attention post script – this is called a script counselling call with Holly. You will receive a more VIP approach with this package, granting you direct text access to Holly for questions you may have along the way between appointments (this does not include new protocols or altering existing protocols). You will also receive access to your concierge service with Trutina, Canada’s largest compounding pharmacy.

VIP hormone therapy involves replenishing hormones that have become depleted or unbalanced in the body. This therapy is designed to restore hormonal levels to optimal levels helping one achieve overall wellness and vitality.

The process of VIP hormone therapy starts with an initial consultation to determine which tests need to be run, followed up with a session with the MD/Advanced NP the individual’s current hormonal status. Based on this assessment, a hormone replacement therapy plan is customized. The goal is to achieve a healthy hormonal balance that supports an individual’s specific health and wellness objectives. The entire process is carefully orchestrated to manage hormonal levels accurately and safely.

Hormone therapy is administered using the best method suited to each individual’s treatment plan and goals. The goal is simple, to optimize your hormones and give you the best quality of life – we call this longevity medicine, because prevention is key.

All forms will be sent unlocked within the EMR, aka Electronic Medical Records System (Click this link to open Outsmart EMR for easy login). Once your fees have been processed, you will be sent your own UNIQUE MEDICAL access CODE – simply log into Outsmart EMR using the login credentials you used when setting up your courtesy call and enter the code. It can take up to 24 hours for your purchase to trigger the system to release the forms but if you sign in you should see documents in your portal relatively quickly.

Please note we do not operate evenings or weekends so if you have submitted your fee on a Friday you will not receive any emails to book until Tuesday as we are closed Mondays. If you have any issues with logging into the EMR you can reach out to them directly, or  send us an email to let us know – we are more than happy to help.

Forms you will find in the EMR are:

Intake, Consent to Telecommunication, Consent to Services, Clinic Policies and a Workflow Document. These forms are best filled out on a laptop/desktop or a device with a larger screen (The forms don’t like mobile devices…)

What do we test for?

Unlike your GP’s office, we test for more than JUST your hormones. Of course we do test your primary hormone glands, which include the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and the ovaries and testes. These glands produce several types of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and more. A hormonal imbalance may occur when the body produces too much or too little of any of these hormones. We also look much deeper amd customize what is needed at your intake session. The goal of hormone replacement therapy to restore hormonal balance by supplementing the body’s declining or missing hormone levels. We are able to restore hormone levels in the body by prescribing what the body is deficient in, this may be hormones accompanied by supplements or herbal remedies. We try to keep our protocols to as few supplements as possible. Replenishing what is lacking allows the body to achieve optimal hormonal levels and function effectively.

Before processing your payment please be advised that there are NO refunds, once you have submitted your payment you are committed, this is the first step to taking control of your health. No exceptions!


Is it menopause or is it the long drawn out process of perimenopause? The symptoms can seem so similar, yet our body is still fighting and our ovaries haven’t quite quit on us yet. This package is great for both our menopausal ladies and of course those who are riding the wave of hormone imbalance waiting for the big “M” to hit. 

Each individual’s hormonal needs are unique, and the therapy plan is tailored accordingly. The therapy is also closely monitored to ensure that the individual’s hormonal levels remain within the optimal range. In addition to restoring hormonal balance, VIP hormone therapy has been shown to improve energy levels, mood, and cognitive function. It can also help with weight management, bone density, and sexual function. Overall, VIP hormone therapy is a safe and effective way to improve one’s quality of life by restoring hormonal balance.

Hormonal imbalances can cause many problems in the body, leading to a sense of overall malaise and decreased wellness. Achieving hormonal balance is crucial for maintaining overall health and vitality. Hormones are responsible for several vital functions in our bodies. A hormonal imbalance occurs when one or more hormones are under or overproduced, leading to several health problems. Hormonal imbalances can cause a plethora of issues such as weight gain, reduced energy levels, mood swings, irregular menstrual periods, decreased libido, and more. VIP hormone therapy provides a comprehensive approach to restoring hormonal balance in the body and achieving optimal health.

It is important to note that hormonal imbalances can affect both men and women, and can occur at any age. Factors such as stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, and certain medical conditions can contribute to hormonal imbalances. It is so important to work with a properly trained healthcare team to identify the root cause of the imbalance and develop a personalized treatment plan. Not everyone who advertises hormone replacement has the training, or keeps it up to date. At HWH we ensure that not only is each team member properly trained, they continue to upgrade and stay up to date.

WOMEN – Do you have the following symptoms?

  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings 
  • Reduced libido 
  • Vaginal thinning/Dryness 
  • vaginal atrophy (do you pee when you sneeze? That can be lack of estrogen baby!)
  • Painful intercourse
  • Hot flashes 
  • Night sweats 
  • Depression/Tearful 
  • Poor concentration/Memory lapses 
  • Insomnia/Disturbed sleep 
  • Arteriosclerosis 
  • Osteoporosis
  • Dysmenorrhea (cramps) 
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) 
  • Infertility/Endometriosis
  • Irregular menstrual periods 
  • Fibrocystic breasts 
  • Premenopausal symptoms 

MEN – Do you have the following symptoms?

  • Poor sleep/Insomnia
  • Low libido
  • No energy
  • Low muscle mass
  • Bad skin
  • Low muscle mass
  • Disinterested in life
  • Poor post-exercise recovery 
  • Poor concentration/Memory lapses
  • Mood swings
  • Weight gain – stomach area/abdomen/breast area

Once you have completed your session and assessment with Holly you will receive a hormone requisition to be taken to your closest lab *Please note this is for Canadian patients within Ontario, Quebec and specific provinces. Patients outside of the listed provinces will be required to pay out of pocket for the markers listed on the requisition or have a new requisition issued in your province*.

Once your results are in you will be scheduled for a second session with one of our OPTIMIZATION prescribers to review your results, this process is also supervised by Holly. If applicable you will receive a script for bio identical hormone replacement therapy/thyroid from our licensed prescriber along with a detailed protocols including herbal recommendations, supportive supplement recommendations, clinical nutrition and lifestyle recommendations from Holly. This is what referred to as Preventive and Integrative Medicine, where we do not leave any stone unturned. You will be assessed via blood labs along with root cause association and of course triggers.

With this package you will received concierge service provided by our compounding lab partners as well as longer intake sessions with both Holly and the prescriber you are assigned, and an additional post treatment plan check in – we refer to this as a Script Consult (please note that script renewal and follow up is an additional fee). This additional check in allows you to troubleshoot parts that you may be stuck on, adjust protocols if needed and of course answer all the questions that inevitably come up afterwards.

Before processing your payment please be advised that there are NO refunds, once you have submitted your payment you are committed, this is the first step to taking control of your health. No exceptions!

Clinic Hours: Tues-Thurs 10:00 AM 4:00 PM, Please note we are closed evenings and weekends. All sessions are conducted via ZOOM, FaceTime or standard phone call. There are no in clinic sessions at this time. All  Canadian requisitions are subject to fees associated, based on provincial healthcare . Fees associated with the requisition are payable to the lab at the time of blood draw and not part of the hormone optimization package.  

Want something to read while you wait for your forms? Have a look at popular articles over on our blog!

20 reviews for VIP Hormone Optimization – Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

  1. Sara

    My doc said it was normal. Well it’s not. Menopause symptoms don’t need to be this bad. I found Holly about 6 months ago and have gotten rid of all my horrible symptoms. I sleep better, think better and my belly lost inches. My frozen shoulder is gone now too!!

  2. Janet

    I am so glad I didn’t waste money and time on someone else. I spent a fortune on a naturopath and got no results. A friend was seeing Holly so I decided to so the same. Best decision I made yet. She knows her stuff and my hormones are finally working

  3. Angie

    Holly listened when my doc wouldn’t. I needed hormones not an antidepressant and sleeping pills. Finally got relief. Thanks for all you’ve done for me. Holly’s team is amazing and attentive.

  4. Leci

    No BS approach but also kind and compassionate. I was scared of hormones but Holly answered all my questions and calmed my fears with evidence based knowledge. I lost the menopause belly, I have glowing skin again, I sleep better, I have energy, the benefits really show. My joints ache way less, my frozen shoulder is gone and I feel in control of my mood again.

  5. Sonya

    I have been with Holly for 6 years now. She switched me over to her MD prescriber for more of an optimized approach which I didn’t realize I needed until after the swap. What a difference. I had been scared of higher doses because of all the fear mongering online, glad I trusted Holly. She’s very knowledgeable. More knowledgeable than my dr or my OBGYN. They had no clue how to help me and offered antidepressants, sleeping pills, a statin and BIRTH CONTROL! At 56
    I sure as hell didn’t need birth control, what I needed was proper hormones and Holly made it happen

  6. Beth

    Suffering doesn’t describe how bad it was before finding Holly. She guided me through my menopause hell and what I thought was just part of getting older. Now I have energy and no more joint pain. I don’t snap at my husband anymore and I feel like I care about life again. Her team was able to prescribe what I needed and monitored me till the dose was just right. Holly is always only an email away and she doesn’t charge for every interaction. She’s the real deal.

  7. Michelle

    I’m leaving a review even though I am still new to my hormones journey. I had a but of a scare the other day and in a panic I emailed Holly’s team in the middle of the night. Well first thing in the AM my phone rings. It was Holly. She not only took the time to call me first thing, she spent time carefully walking me through what was happening and establishing a game plan. She was right, it worked out exactly as she said it would and it’s back to being ok now. She was so calm and knowledgeable. My dr put a fear into me that Holly was able to calm and provided me with data to back it all up. She knew how my dose would act in my body and that how it was dosed could be altered. I’m glad I had faith in her and listened. She is so incredibly knowledgeable in what she does. I’m really enjoying my new found health. I don’t know that I ever really felt as good as I do now.

  8. Leslie

    Have been a longtime patient of Holly. She called me a few months back as she was wondering how I was feeling and if I was feeling like I was being properly “optimized” as she called it. To be honest I felt good but after speaking with Holly realized she saw something was missing and on my annual follow up I switched over to her MD. What a difference. Nothing against her nurse practitioner, she’s fine. But she’s not even close to as good as her MD. WOW. Holly’s got her name on the door for a reason. I trusted her and now I know what she meant when she said optimized.

  9. Marie

    This is a serious power team. Holly is incredible and so is her prescriber. So my shoulder was in pain from low estrogen and not cause I’m old. Gotta like them apples. Glad I found these guys. Holly is super easy going but on the ball. Knows her stuff

  10. Sabrina

    1 year update. I stuck with it and can now report I feel 10 years younger. If you can stick to it with follow ups that are closer in the beginning you’ll get to a point where you reach the perfect dose and feel great. Holly told me to give it a year and honestly it was more like 8 months. We conquered my hormones even though my gp and my gyne said it couldn’t be done

  11. A. Pothinea

    Holly asked for a review and an update. I have been a patient of hers for 4 years now. I see both her and her nurse practitioner. I finally reached full on menopause and Holly was the first one to reach out and dissect my labs with me. She realized I needed more optimization and she was bang on. Now seeing her MD prescriber who is AMAZING. She only tackles the hormone/thyroid aide of things and Holly does all the rest. Whenever I have dosing questions Holly is right there to answer and guide. She has so much experience in hormones and really compassionate with her care. No more roadblocks. If you are
    Looking into hormone replacement therapy definitely recommend Holly and her team (having worked with a variety if her prescribers I highly recommend her MD over anyone else).

  12. Amy

    This was the best choice for me. I thought hormone balancing was all I needed until I found Holly. I didn’t understand what optimization meant, and for those of you reading this, let me help you understand. I don’t want to be a healthy version of other people in my age range. I want to be the version of myself when I was at my best in my 20s. That’s what Holly does for you. She put your hormones back to where they were when you felt your best. She helps you discover an inner peace And confidence you may have forgotten you once had. It’s more than better sleep or less anxiety. It’s an absolute delight working with her and her team. I’m healing things I didn’t know needed healing. The first year is the most intense and now that I am going into my second year working with her and her prescribers I can say things are so easy. Listen to her when she gives you advice because this lady knows

  13. Karen

    I wish I knew that this service existed sooner. I wasted so many years seeing a naturopathic doctor, who simply could not prescribe what was needed. Hormone creams aren’t enough in menopause. Since switching over to Holly‘s clinic I am finding my results. Big difference in care.

  14. Vicky

    My naturopath couldn’t prescribe what I needed. My doctor wouldn’t prescribe what I needed. What’s a gal to do? Let me tell you what I did! I went and saw Holly and her team. Great service and excellent results.

  15. Ellia. S

    Found Holly on TikTok along with a bunch of other really popular menopause experts. She doesn’t have a large following but she should. I thought one of the other creators knew more so I bought her book and her membership only to get no results. Diet is great and all but her pushing estrogen patches didn’t work for me. I decided to go with Holly. Her fees were less and we jived. She explained the importance the liver plays and why taking estrogen by mouth was important. I have the right plan now and have seen a bunch of improvements. I also avoided statins by using DHEA which Holly educated me on. Her prescribers are great. They listen.

  16. Nialla.J

    My doctor offered me an antidepressant and birth control pills. I was told to suck it up as it was a part of life and all women go through this. My female doctor made me feel as though suffering was some sort of a right of passage. I found Holly through a friend who is seeing her as a patient. She was strongly recommended and now I see why. Holly actually cares. After my session with her and her other provider, who does the prescription, I had questions. Holly did not hesitate to answer all of the questions and even checked in on me a few weeks after I received my prescription. She wanted to make sure that , everything was OK because she knew that I was nervous when I first started. I felt cared about and I really feel like I am finally seen. If you were on the fence about this or not sure the difference that proper hormones can make take it from me. They do make a difference . I’m finally feeling like I felt before my hormones turned on me.

  17. Sue

    10/10. Holly is incredible. Her staff are really nice and helpful. If you have hormone or thyroid issues she’s your gal.

  18. Cass

    Wishing I found Holly and her team years ago. I thought being through menopause meant I was over the hump. No one talks about hormones other than hot flashes and crappy sleep. Now I know that my hormones protect me and I need them for protection against a lot of different things. I’m so happy and grateful to have found this team. I feel better already.

  19. Allie

    I was given Hollys name by a friend of mine who runs a business in Orleans. She said Holly basically knows everything about everything.

    I had recently received a diagnosis that wasn’t well known, so I joined a few support groups on Fb and Holly was mentioned there too. She’s everywhere it seems and with good reason.

    I saw a homeopath a few months ago and got a kit for saliva testing. It showed my hormones were closer to menopause than I realized.

    I really wanted a natural approach which Holly seemed to really appreciate.

    Thanks to Holly I have my diagnosis under control, not symptomatic at all now. She referred me to colleagues who were experts in my diagnosis and worked with them closely. She also manages my hormones.

    I’m forever grateful for my friends recommendation. They weren’t wrong. Holly knows a heck of a lot about a lot.

  20. Laura

    But the bullet, glad I did! Holly is extremely informed and clearly she’s been at this a long time. She’s passionate which is why she came highly recommended. I was seeing another popular menopause clinic (online) and wasn’t getting results or the care I am now with Holly and her team. My doses were all wrong before. No wonder it wasn’t working. Holly is worth her fees that’s for certain.

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