Why The Gut Zoomer Is Top On My List Of Diagnostic Tools

 THE MOST comprehensive digestive health stool test on the market! This test looks at over 170 species of bacteria, the Gut Zoomer can aid in detecting root causes of acute or chronic illness that stem from the gastrointestinal tract, with correlations to disease...

SIFO and WHY We Should Test Fungal Antibodies.

SIFO occurs when there is an overgrowth of yeast in the small intestine and shares many of the same symptoms of SIBO. From  abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and gas all the way to skin irritations and more. Like most chronic digestive issues, diet,...
Leaky Gut, Why Do We Need To Test?

Leaky Gut, Why Do We Need To Test?

First of all, what exactly IS leaky gut (also known as intestinal permeability)? Intestinal permeability is a condition where the integrity of the intestinal cell barrier is compromised/broken down. Normally, our intestinal cell network forms a very important barrier...

IBS, SIBO and Gastric Distress

IBS is a commonly occurring collection of symptoms diagnosed in the world of gastroenterology. It is the most common GI disorder with worldwide prevalence rates ranging from 10-15%. There are between 2.4 and 3.5 million physician visits annually for IBS in the US....

Histamine, Mast Cell and Scented Laundry Detergent.

It’s allergy season, it’s spring and with it all the glorious reactivity that comes with pollen, budding trees and growing grass and then the freshly cut smell. This is the time of year when my inbox fills with patients wondering why so much of their...


What the heck is an obesogen?! What the heck is an obesogen! Ever wonder why you are eating all the right foods, supposed healthy foods… and yet you still can’t lose weight? Worse yet maybe you are even GAINING weight! Are you living off salad for days and...