The Problem With SIBO Breath Testing

Now before you crap all over me, let me explain – it’s not always bad – I still use it with some of my patients. The issue is similar to the GI Pathogen screen for parasitic infection, too many false positives. It’s not reliable which is an...

Magnesium, what’s in your scoop?

Everyone has pretty much heard of magnesium nowadays. We know it’s important but what we may not be clear on is what KIND to take. There are different types and of course each brand says they offer the best, but what is actually IN your supplement? First off...

Bio-Identical Progesterone VS Synthetic Progestins

Synthetic progestins do not have the same actions as bio identical progesterone outside of the uterus for one thing. It will have the opposite effect really. Did you know that progesterone receptors are found in almost every cell of the body! This means it has...

Snow Mold… Say What?

What on earth is snow mold? Most of you probably think it’s a pesky spring cold or the last of the seasons flu bug going around. Unfortunately what you are suffering from is more likely to be the effects of snow mold.  Yes the watery eyes, sneezing, itchy rash,...