Your Vagina is Freak’n Wonderland!

In all seriousness it really is this cave of wonders. Our vaginal microbiome is unlike any other in the body. The vaginal niche is isolated with a unique function, where the gut microbiome has multiple niches. Complete with biofilms and all! We have been taught that...

Mouth Taping 101

Say what? Yup you heard me, mouth taping… it’s a thing                 Why would yo want to do this? Well for starters it has a bunch of health benefits and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to get you there. All...

Why I’m a Facultative Carnivore

Wait, isn’t a carnivore diet just that? Nope! You see – when I originally turned to the carnivore diet style of eating it was to improve upon health conditions I was suffering from. Namely autoimmune related. For me it was an obligate carnivore diet vs my...

Thyroid Health & L-Tyrosine

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid (a protein building block). It’s important to almost every protein in the body! It also happens to be a precursor for some pretty important stuff like dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine as well as a bunch of other...

Supplementing For Estrogen Dominance.

Are you doing it wrong? Many of you are likely using DIM (or I3C) for estrogen dominance as they are powerful tools for estrogen detoxification. When we take I3C it is broken down by our stomach acid and becomes DIM. However you need to be sure you have adequate...