Bio-Identical Progesterone VS Synthetic Progestins

Synthetic progestins do not have the same actions as bio identical progesterone outside of the uterus for one thing. It will have the opposite effect really. Did you know that progesterone receptors are found in almost every cell of the body! This means it has...

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CBD Isolate VS Whole Plant Hemp Oil…Because You Asked

Oh the questions! Daily I hear people asking why I choose whole plant rather than isolate since so many companies seem to have jumped on the isolate bandwagon. Well you see this is what sets us apart, the ones who have an herbal or botanical background vs those who...

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Snow Mold… Say What?

What on earth is snow mold? Most of you probably think it's a pesky spring cold or the last of the seasons flu bug going around. Unfortunately what you are suffering from is more likely to be the effects of snow mold.  Yes the watery eyes, sneezing, itchy rash, cough,...

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Take Me To Vagus Baby (Nope, That’s Not A Spelling Error)

What the heck is a vagus nerve? It just so happens to be the LONGEST of the cranial nerves but is hardly ever talked about. We refer to it as the vagus nerve not because it's wild and crazy like the Vegas strip, but rather because it is more like a vagabond in the way...

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So What Exactly is CBD?

First of all let me start by saying that NOTHING else on the market is CBD but CBD. I have seen a number of posts circulating by essential oil companies claiming that they have an oil that is far superior to CBD... I'm here to tell you it isn't and let me explain why....

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CBD, What It Is & What It’s Not

I've been using CBD in my clinical practice for quite a while with great success but was not overly vocal about it until I started to use it with family and myself. Both my partner and myself have become huge advocates of CBD, not to be confused with THC (but I will...

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Estrogen, How To Detox What You Don’t Need

You have likely either read one of my previous articles or you follow my fb live videos, I like to talk about phase two estrogen detox, the liver and of course the rold our gut health plays. What I don't often talk about is how important our bile is. Yes we need to...

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Cholesterol Doesn’t Cause Heart Attacks…

Now that I have your attention, and possibly pissed a few MD's off in the process (oops), let me backup my statement. Heart disease isn't CAUSED by cholesterol. 70% of heart disease is directly related to the insulin resistance gene. Yet another good reason to have...

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Top Product Picks For 2017

Here are some of my absolute favorites that I have been using in practice this year, from products to supplements and a few reasons why my patients and I love them so much. Liposomal Glutathione: I'm a fan of the one by quicksilver as it seems to be the highest...

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Why Functional Medicine Is The Future

It's easy to get confused with all the fancy titles...integrative medicine, alternative medicine, functional medicine, natural medicine.... so which one is right for you and what the helll does it all mean? Functional medicine is the baby of integrative/alternative...

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Why Dark Roast Is Easier On The Gut…. In Most Cases.

When patients complain to me about not being able to handle coffee I generally tend to ask main questions: Does it give you the jitters and anxiety? Does it bother your gut and give you indigestion? Does it make you bloat? Does it keep you awake? That last one is...

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