What do you do if you feel like you may have low thyroid? It goes missed by so many. You visit your doctor and are told you are “fine”, you are within range… But you know you are NOT fine. Let’s take a peek at a few things you can do to be your own health advocate

  1. Comprehensive thyroid testing. A blood analysis but not the kind you get at your GP unless your GP is up to date on the new parameters. You will need to find a functional medicine practitioner for this, or a good naturopath. If you are unsure please feel free to use this information and ask that your doctor test for these.  Free T3, Free T4, T3 Uptake, Reverse T3, thyroidperoxidase, and anti-thyroglubulin antibodies
  2. Check for food sensitivities (especially gluten and soy). Many also go undiagnosed with Hashimoto’s,  thyroid dysfunction can harm your gut which means accompanying any treatment with a good gut healing protocol.


3. Find out how your body is reacting to and handling stressors. I offer a great online evaluation developed by Dr Slavich of UCLA stress labs called S.T.R.A.I.N.  Over exercising can be as harmful to your adrenals and your gut health as anything else. Want to look into your stress levels? Take a look at our upgraded consultation, looking at testing your stress hormone cortisol and how your ratio is with DHEA? Take a look at our Adrenal Panel.

4. Underlying gut issues can be BOTH the cause and effect of thyroid dysfunction. When gut health is compromised with bacteria imbalances such as SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) or if intestinal permeability is present (leaky gut), you will end up with an attack on your immune system and overall health suffers leading to disease.

5. Nutritional deficiencies can be deadly. If you aren’t getting AND utilizing the right nutrients you wont be functioning at peak performance in any aspect of your life. You always want to be at optimal levels for health. This can mean condition specific supplementation (short term). You may need a boost, to re-inoculate or to get you back on track.

6. Accumulation of toxins is the last but certainly not the least important issue I want to mention. Heavy metals, environmental toxins, chemicals, all of these play a role in thyroid health. Did you know fluoride wreaks havoc on your thyroid especially those suffering with autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. As a standard practice I run a supervised detox protocol with simple steps to eliminating toxins from your life. You don’t need to incorporate expensive cleanse and detox kits to achieve this result either, most of them aren’t worth the money anyway. Take a peek at my article giving great tips and tricks

Remember, if you aren’t getting the answers you want, look elsewhere. If you are being told it’s all normal or all in your head, find a new practitioner. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and listen to your gut.


Click here to schedule your consultation today! You will receive an in-depth intake form and an evaluation with a clinical, scientific yet holistic approach. Take the first steps to getting customized health protocols, stop the dis-ease cycle and obtain sustainable solutions.