Lipid Panel – Cholesterol Blood Work Breakdown


Had your cholesterol done but can’t understand what it all means? How about when your doc tells you your LDL is too high and you need to go on a statin but you know better? Want someone to make sense of your lab work for you and put it into writing so you can understand what each marker means? Then this is the session for you. Many on a Carnivore or Ketogenic lifestyle like to have their panel (bloodwork) properly assessed by someone in functional medicine who understands that elevated LDL is actually good for you (prevents pneumonia) especially as we age.


Had your cholesterol done but can’t understand what it all means? How about when your doc tells you your LDL is too high and you need to go on a statin but you know better? Want someone to make sense of your lab work for you and put it into writing so you can understand what each marker means? Then this is the session for you. Many on a Carnivore or Ketogenic lifestyle like to have their panel (bloodwork) properly assessed by someone in functional medicine who understands that elevated LDL is actually good for you (prevents pneumonia) especially as we age.

All sessions are conducted using telemedicine, this means it’s virtual so no in person session or driving and fighting traffic. No paying for parking and no fighting the elements!


Please be sure before you purchase, no blood work is included in this package this is for those with existing blood work.

No refunds, ever… so be sure!


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