We really need to stop quoting these garbage baseline studies. Association doesn’t prove causation, just as observation doesn’t prove causation and correlation also doesn’t prove causation… This was drilled into my head by my mentor who taught me pretty much everything I know about hormones, and helped me UNLEARN everything bad I was taught before.

The most common one is estrogen myths – you know the ones. Those baseline studies done on women where high levels of estradiol was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and diabetes… Yet somehow in every randomized control trial (you know, the GOLD standard) where E2 is administered there is a DECREASE in breast cancer, heart disease and diabetes mellitus (That’s fancy scientific speak for diabetes).

These baseline studies done on women (who we surmise also had PCOS), higher levels of testosterone were associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease and diabetes, yet when testosterone is GIVEN it DECREASES the risk of breast cancer, heart disease and you guessed it, diabetes. Notice the difference between what happens at baseline vs what happens when we supplement with these vital hormones.

The devil is in the details – This is evidence based medicine – supported by evidence based literature, multiple studies and meta-analysis from peer reviewed journals that ALL prove the claims of these hormones causing cancer being completely false.