You will need to purchase the panel via our partner over at The DNA Company, however you will be required to have a mini session (the fee needs to be submitted for this in addition to the cost of the kit) to go over the results of your results. This is for both existing patients and non patients. It is required that a clinician review your results prior to releasing the results.
Please use the instructions below to sign up for the program.
Once you have completed your DNA results by sending back your kit you will be required to let us know so we can process your session in order to review your results.
Please note, you should allow up to 6 weeks from the time the test is taken, submitted, received, formulation created, approved, and set into production. This is a “initial starting phase” delay and after this preliminary delay we will be smooth sailing.
Your code once again to ensure that you get my clinical rate and the results are sent to me is YT103. This code is important or I will not receive your results and an additional fe will be added by the company for one of their clinicians to review the results – at a much higher rate.
Once your results have been received you will need to book your session.
Please click here to book your DNA session ($197 reduced rate) This is the DNA rundown with Holly where she discusses your results and also goes over your custom formulations, see what supplements you may need as well as reviewing if you are a candidate for compounded supplements or if lifestyle changes will be enough to ensure your long term health.
Why this test?
Because unlike others our test is functional in nature and takes variations outside of SNPs (such as CNVs and In/Dels) into account.
Our Comprehensive Functional Genomics Test provides key insights into functional genomic pathways that influence critical biological and cellular processes in your body. This includes cardiovascular health, hormonal health, executive function, phase II detoxification (methylation and glutathionylation), and diet & metabolism. We provide clinical reports that explain how various genes in your body work together in a series of pathways that ultimately influence your overall health and wellness. Please note, these tests are not designed for direct to consumer purposes. You will be required to purchase a genomic consultation along with your test so that a clinician (Holly Warner Health) can assist you in understanding the results of your test. Furthermore, please know that our tests are NOT diagnostic tests. We do NOT diagnose diseases based on the results of your testing, however, we WILL identify potential genetic risk factors that could contribute to the onset of certain chronic diseases, when combined with non-genetic factors like diet, lifestyle, and environment. From there we (Holly Warner Health) can run additional tests or develope protocols necessary based on these results as a guide. Things like HORMONE BALANCING, or OAT testing are available for an additional fee.
We have partnered up with The DNA Company to offer clinical consultations with Holly Warner Health in-house clinicians that have been trained by world-renowned clinical genomicist Dr. Mansoor Mohammed. Our clinicians will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your genomic results and identify the best plan of action for optimizing your health based on your results – using telemedicine (no need to travel!)
What do these tests mean in the genetic world? Are we testing everything?
Please note that this is NOT a diagnostics, prognostic, or risk-assessment testing company. They are an association-based testing company. They identify potential risk associations between certain diseases and genetic-based outcomes. Your possession of a specific variation within your gene will NOT indicate a diagnosis for a disease, but it MAY contribute to the overall risk of developing a disease or health condition when combined with other non-genomic factors. As a result, we do NOT test for the BRCA genes.
Diagnostic based testing: Testing for genes whose known mutation are deterministic of certain diseases (ie. Cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s Disease)
Prognostic/Therapeutic based testing: Testing for genes after a disease is diagnosed to determine the impact of the disease (Breast cancer with Her2 amplification means a more aggressive cancer but also a cancer that can be treated with the cancer drug Herceptin)
Risk Assessment testing: Testing for genes known to have a clinical risk associated with their mutation (ie. testing for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes)
Association-Based testing: Testing for genes whose combination of variations MAY contribute to several undesirable health outcomes, and when combined with non-genomic factors like lifestyle, environment and diet/nutrition, could increase your risk of developing certain diseases and health conditions
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