Hair Mineral Analysis…I’ll Pass On That!
Unpopular Opinion...#propertesting Micronutrient Testing This is going to be an unpopular opinion in the 'alternative' health space, but for me it's a hard pass. The science just isn't there! I know many nutritionists and coaches who swear by it, but usually these...
Why The Wheat Zoomer Is A Key Player…
You're iron deficient and can't figure out why? Could it be the wheat or a number of peptides within the proteins themselves that are to blame? What we know is that all grains, legumes, nuts and seven seeds can play a role in reducing iron absorption. These contain...
Your Gut,Your Hormones & The Adrenals Are They All Connected?
Being tired all the time, cold all the time, overheating, horrible sleep and brutal fatigue in the afternoon is NOT normal folks. Ladies! Having hot flashes in your 20's and early 30's is not normal (and NO birth control is not the answer). Men, you didn't think I was...
Our Brain and Vitamin B1
We can all agree that our brain is pretty important. We protect it during sports, we relyon it's function every single second. It's there doing things even while we sleep. It stands to reason that we want to do everything possible to preserve and protect is...
Why I Chose Thiamin (B1) As A Go To Supplement and Why We Should ALL Consider Taking Some.
Thiamine (B1) deficiency is under diagnosed yet a growing factor in chronic illness
Why I Prefer Stool Testing Over Urea Breath Testing…For H.Pylori
Gut Zoomer First of all let me answer the first question that usually comes up; how do I know if I have H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori)? Got gas? Bloating? How about acid reflux? Discomfort In the upper abdomen? Nausea that makes zero sense, oh and you feel WORSE on...
Probiotics, Is That The Best Answer?
Everyone and their dog seems to be taking either CBD or probiotics nowadays. Unfortunately most of what's out there is absolute crap. One thing I learned early on in my career, back in my R&D days.... white labelling means half of what is on shelves is BS. Between...
Sugar, Is It Really That Bad?
Let me start by saying yes, yes it is. But why... what does it do exactly? First off it depletes much needed nutrients - think magnesium for example which plays a role in a bunch of different system functions within the body (from hormones, mood, sleep and period...
Why The Gut Zoomer Is Top On My List Of Diagnostic Tools
THE MOST comprehensive digestive health stool test on the market! This test looks at over 170 species of bacteria, the Gut Zoomer can aid in detecting root causes of acute or chronic illness that stem from the gastrointestinal tract, with correlations to disease...
SIFO and WHY We Should Test Fungal Antibodies.
SIFO occurs when there is an overgrowth of yeast in the small intestine and shares many of the same symptoms of SIBO. From abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and gas all the way to skin irritations and more. Like most chronic digestive issues, diet,...
Leaky Gut, Why Do We Need To Test?
First of all, what exactly IS leaky gut (also known as intestinal permeability)? Intestinal permeability is a condition where the integrity of the intestinal cell barrier is compromised/broken down. Normally, our intestinal cell network forms a very important barrier...
IBS, SIBO and Gastric Distress
IBS is a commonly occurring collection of symptoms diagnosed in the world of gastroenterology. It is the most common GI disorder with worldwide prevalence rates ranging from 10-15%. There are between 2.4 and 3.5 million physician visits annually for IBS in the US....